This year’s President’s Award for Service to the Centre goes to an unsung hero.
As you know, since it was formed in 1932 our club has run entirely by volunteers.
All of the governance, all of the programs, every touch of the pen or the keyboard—all done without thought of compensation or other reward.
But even in the midst of all of this selfless dedication our awardee’s contributions stand out.
Stardust, our club newsletter, has been in publication almost continuously since 1954. It’s as old as I am—67 years!
And has been a remains an integral part of who we are as an organization.
Yes, we have Facebook, and Instagram, and Twitter, and the Astrolist. And of course these are very popular. But ultimately their nature is to be short and ephemeral—read quickly and then replaced by something else.
On the other hand, issues of Stardust allow for more thoughtful explorations of topics and extended records of our activities—and they get catalogued and preserved (another task accomplished by our recipient). They remain as an enduring celebration of the Centre’s existence.
Since 1954 Stardust has had many editors, of course. And I thank them all for their past service.
But most did it for one or two years, the longest stretch being 7 years.
Which brings us to this year’s recipient.
Michael Ward has been producing and editing Stardust since 2005—16 straight years!
Need I say more?
This year’s recipient of the President’s Award for Service to the Centre is Michael Ward.