Anyone interested in astronomy can join the Edmonton Centre of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada (RASC). By joining the Edmonton Centre you will have opportunities to connect with amateur and professional astronomers who are interested in visual astronomy, astrophotography, radio astronomy, and public education/outreach.
Two Ways to Join
Anyone can join and pay full fee:
Eligible persons can join and pay no fee: Membership Fee Benefit Program
Membership Benefits
Ten issues of the Edmonton Centre’s newsletter Stardust, which includes local news, events, observing reports, & Centre news.
The world-renowned Observer’s Handbook is published yearly in September, and mailed directly to you from the national office. It contains a wealth of information on the subject of astronomy at both amateur and professional levels.
The Journal of the RASC is published six times per year and contains astronomy articles for all experience levels and news from the other RASC centres. The Journal is available in either a digital format (included with basic membership fee) or paper format (for a surcharge).
RASC has a member discount program. Visit for details.
The Centre holds meetings ten months of the year, September through June, generally on the second Monday of the month. These meetings are FREE and OPEN TO THE PUBLIC, so you can attend while deciding to join.
Observing nights are held monthly at the Blackfoot dark site within an hour’s drive of the city.
We maintain a comprehensive astronomical library that includes many recent titles that would appeal to amateur astronomers.
The Centre has a number of telescopes that can be borrowed by members and the public.
Visit the RASC Observatory at the TELUS World of Science where many members volunteer their time to answer any questions you might have about the club or astronomy.
Two Ways to Join
Anyone can join and pay full fee:
Eligible persons can join and pay no fee: Membership Fee Benefit Program