Sidewalk Astronomy May 6-7, 2011

After quite a nice Friday evening (May 6) for Sidewalk Astronomy, Saturday May 7 proved to be a major bust for astronomical viewing.

Larry Wood set up on The Promenade on Sunday May 8, and reported:

“Wow what a great evening last night. I set up at about 8:00 p.m. so I could do a little repair to the equipment. By the time I had finished quite a crowd had gathered to get a look at the Moon that was high overhead. We had to wait for several minutes for the cloud in the area of the Moon to dissipate but it soon obliged. The 25 or so who had waited were thrilled they had stayed. Some even called friends to come have a look. I had one lady who stayed most of the night. She remembered me from a Winter light presentation at Elk Island last year. I was busy for the rest of the evening with a steady stream of visitor. Some returned a couple of times especially later to see Saturn which took some time to show itself before the cloud covering it began  to disperse and at 250x the view was great.

Bruce McCurdy showed up at about 10:30 to have a look and I had a young couple from South America — she from Columbia and he from Ecuador I believe. There was another fellow from Croatia who stayed till the end when I packed up at 11:30. Probably had 75 visitors during the evening.”

Sidewalk Astronomy Mar 19-20, 2010

2010_ISANFrom St. Albert, Sharon Tansey reported “We had 2 successful nights in St. Albert. Last night was an absolute joy: just the most interested families, kids, knowledgeable and enthusiastic. Eventually, I handed my telescope over to one teeanger who managed to do the readjusting for me while I talked to people. Another 10 year old almost got it pointed at Saturn.”

From the Victoria Promenade, Larry Wood reported “Franklin, Bruce and I set up at 119 st despite the coolish weather. The seeing was not great but the Moon at low power was nice. Continue Reading →

Sidewalk Astronomy Apr 3-4, 2009

As part of International Sidewalk Astronomy Night (ISAN), the RASC hosted sidewalk astronomy throughout the Edmonton area.

  • Gazebo Park in Old Strathcona
  • The Promenade overlooking Victoria Golf Course
  • The concourse behind St. Albert Place in St. Albert

The weather cooperated both days and about 500 people had the opportunity to look through RASC Edmonton member and guest telescopes. Continue Reading →