Astronomy Workshop at BNLO

This workshop has reached capacity.
We will keep a waitlist in case there are cancellations.

Would you like to:

  • Explore the Universe with Western Canada’s biggest telescope that the public can look through?
  • Learn about the objects you can see as an amateur astronomer?
  • Discover how you too can use the RASC’s telescopes at the Black Nugget Lake Observatory?

If the answer is yes, then join us at the Black Nugget Lake Observatory for a unique event!

Astronomy Workshop at BNLO
March 1, 2025
4:00 pm – 10:30 pm

Good to Know

  • This workshop is for people that would like to learn about the Black Nugget Lake Observatory and see what it’s like to view the night sky at a dark site with world-class equipment.
  • You don’t have to be an RASC member to attend this event.
  • Participants must be at least 18 years old.
  • This event will occur with clear or cloudy skies. There is much to do and learn even if the skies are cloudy.
  • A complimentary pizza dinner will be supplied!
  • If skies are clear, in the evening you’ll be treated to rare views through BNLO’s unique, world-class 32 inch diameter telescope.

Topics and Schedule

March 1, 2025

3:30-4:00 pm       North Gate open for participants. Please don’t be late!

4:00-4:30 pm       Welcome Reception in Visitor Centre

4:30-5:00 pm       Introductory remarks and screening of documentary
Opening a New Window to the Stars: Black Nugget Lake Observatory

5:00-5:30 pm       Introduction to and accessing RASC Edmonton Centre’s telescopes

5:30-6:00 pm       What you can see in a telescope: understanding the deep sky

6:00-6:30 pm       Pizza dinner supplied

6:30-7:30 pm       Demonstrations and hands on with RASC telescopes

7:30-10:30 pm     Weather permitting: participants can view deep sky objects through BNLO’s 18” and 32” diameter telescopes. A selection of RASC loaner telescopes will also be available for use.

How to Register

Send a message with your name, age, and email address to We will contact you by email to confirm your registration.

This workshop has reached capacity.
We will keep a waitlist in case there are cancellations.

Registration is limited to a maximum of 12 participants, so register now to secure your spot!


  • This is a FREE event hosted by RASC volunteers.
  • A minimum of 6 participants are needed for the workshop to proceed.
  • If you register for this event, please do so with a serious commitment to attending. Blowing off this event and not showing up without notice is not good for anyone.

Northern Prairie Star Party 2023

Twenty years ago, the first Northern Prairie Star Party (NPSP) was hosted by the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada (RASC) – Edmonton Centre at the Black Nugget Lake campground located southeast of Tofield. This year’s event will run from Tuesday, September 12 to Sunday, September 17, 2023. Most of our group activities are planned for Friday, September 15 and Saturday, September 16.

It’s not too late to register and take in the many activities of this year’s NPSP. As a registrant, you are welcome to take in any or all of the events planned from Tuesday to Sunday as listed below and in the 2023 NPSP Schedule, General Information and Ground Rules.

The registration fees are: $30 per person and $60 for a family. We highly recommend that you REGISTER IN ADVANCE by emailing the 2023 NPSP Coordinators emailing coordinators Rick and Susan Bramm. This will help with planning, especially for seating in the event tent and for food for the Saturday BBQ. You have the option of sending payment via e-transfer or paying when you arrive onsite. Additional camping fees apply if you are staying overnightclick here to camping arrangements below.

If you’re NOT camping, PLEASE ENTER and exit via the NORTH GATE off TWP road 492 (see map at: ) between Group Site 8 and site 91. (The campground operator has requested that ONLY those who are camping need to enter through the main campground entrance.) Proceed to the event tent at Site 92 to check in – this is the location of Friday’s workshop and Saturday’s afternoon presentations. If you are coming out in the evening for viewing at the Black Nugget Lake Observatory with the new Unyk-Drew Telescope, you will be directed there when you arrive at the North Gate.

The 32-inch Unyk-Drew Telescope is now installed in the Black Nugget Lake Observatory, with viewing offered every evening during 2023 NPSP from 9 PM to 1:30 AM (viewing conditions permitting). A daytime tour is scheduled on Saturday from 12 to 1 PM.

Before you come out, please review the detailed schedule and rules & regulations (PDF) about this exciting event.

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Northern Prairie Star Party 2022

2022 Northern Prairie Star Party

The 17th annual Northern Prairie Star Party (NPSP) was held at the Black Nugget Lake campground southeast of Tofield, Alberta, from September 20 to 25, 2022. We enjoyed four nights of dark sky viewing and a busy Saturday with Black Nugget Lake Observatory building tours, solar observing, three excellent speakers, a variety of door prizes, and a BBQ followed by a great evening of sky viewing.

Please see the October issue of Stardust for a report on this event.

The 2022 NPSP was open to the public – registration fees applied: $30 per person and $60 for a family. Camping fees appled if staying overnight – the northern portion of the campground had been reserved by RASC-Edmonton Centre. The process for reserving a site in that area is described below. Continue Reading →