Astronomy Day – Apr 28, 2012

The RASC Observatory and the TELUS World of Science present International Astronomy Day.

Apr 28, 2013

FREE. Outside Events Are Weather Permitting.

1:00 PM to sunset
Solar Viewing at the RASC Observatory.

1:00 PM to 5:00 PM
Learn about astronomy and the RASC at our booth in the lobby of the TELUS World of Science.

1:00 PM to 5:00 PM
Need help using your telescope? Want to learn about telescopes and what to buy or what to avoid? Then come on down to the RASC Telescope Clinic in the lobby of the TELUS World of Science.

8:30 PM to 11:00 PM
Astronomical Viewing at the RASC Observatory.

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Astronomy Day – May 7, 2011

2011_IMG_9547The RASC Observatory and the TELUS World of Science present International Astronomy Day.

May 7, 2011

FREE. Outside Events Are Weather Permitting.

1:00 – 11:00 PM

The RASC Observatory at the TELUS World of Science presented International Astronomy Day on May 7. After quite a nice Friday evening for Sidewalk Astronomy, Saturday proved to be a major bust for astronomical viewing. The RASC set up a booth in the lobby of the TELUS World of Science and provided information on the club, how to get started in astronomy. Examples of telescopes, both good and bad, were on display for visitors.


Astronomy Day – Apr 24, 2010

The RASC Observatory and the TELUS World of Science present International Astronomy Day.

Apr 24, 2010

by Luca Vanzella Edmonton Centre

After a record-breaking, week-long heat wave, cool and cloudy conditions arrived just in time for Astronomy Day 2010 in Edmonton. Despite this, the RASC Edmonton Centre celebrated astronomy at the TELUS World of Science (TWOSE) from 1:00 PM to about 9:30 PM.

In the afternoon, the RASC booth was front and centre inside the TWOSE lobby and hosted displays about the RASC Edmonton Centre and Light Pollution. The booth was also the hub for the Telescope Clinic in which visitors could have a look at and try out several examples of starter telescopes or try their hand at assembling a refractor telescope. Several people took advantage of RASC member expertise at the Clinic and obtained help in using their own telescope. Perhaps 50 people visited the RASC booth. Continue Reading →

Astronomy Day – May 2, 2009

The RASC Observatory and the TELUS World of Science present International Astronomy Day.

May 2, 2009

by Luca Vanzella Edmonton Centre

The RASC Edmonton Centre and the TELUS World of Science celebrated International Astronomy Day on Saturday, May 2, 2009, at 11211-142 Street NW. Activities included:

1:00 PM to 11:00 PM

  • Solar Viewing in the afternoon (weather permitting)
  • Crescent Moon, Saturn and other deep sky objects in the evening (weather permitting)

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