Astronomy Day, Saturday April 29, 2017

Edmonton RASC presents International Astronomy Day

*Outside events are weather permitting

Check @EdmontonRASC for updates on outdoor events

Free Activities at the RASC Observatory at TELUS World of Science

1pm – 4pm: Observe the Sun*

1pm – 4pm: Gazebo next to the Observatory Telescope clinic: Bring your telescope and get helpful advice from our expert members.

7pm – 11pm: Observe the stars, planets, and the Moon*

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Astronomy Day – May 14, 2016

The RASC Observatory and the TELUS World of Science present International Astronomy Day.

All events are FREE!

* Outside Events Are Weather Permitting
Check @edmontonrasc on Twitter for updates on outside events.

Activities at RASC Observatory and the TELUS World of Science

11:30 AM to 4:30 PM Observatory  Solar viewing. *
TWOSE Lobby  Information Booth Displays and Q&A with our members.
1:00 PM to 4:00 PM Gazebo beside Observatory  Telescope Clinic: Bring your telescope and get helpful advice from our expert members.
8:30 PM – 11:00 PM Observatory  Nighttime viewing. *

Sidewalk Astronomy *
8:30 PM – 11:00 PM

Join our volunteers for Sidewalk Astronomy and enjoy the springtime night sky at the following locations:

  • Gazebo Park in Old Strathcona, on 83 Avenue between 103 and 104 Streets
  • The Promenade overlooking Victoria Park, on the south side of 100 Avenue at 118 Street

* Outside Events Are Weather Permitting

Sidewalk Astronomy
The Week of Astronomy Day 2015
April 19 to 25

Members of the public came out for evening viewing on clear nights during the week of Astronomy Day 2015 (April 19th to 25th). They joined our volunteers for Sidewalk Astronomy and enjoying the springtime night sky.

Gazebo Park

Gazebo Park in Old Strathcona, on 83 Avenue between 103 and 104 Street

Saturday, April 25th


Three members were at Gazebo park sharing outstanding lunar viewing with about 80 members of the public. Many people who stopped by remarked on how sharp the Moon looked through the telescope.

Several lunar features were visible through the scopes, including:

  • the craters Hipparcus and Albategnius, first drawn by Galileo in 1609,  standing out along the terminator; and
  • the Caucasus mountain range near the Mare Serenitatis

Another lunar highlight occurred around 9:50pm when the orange star HR 3376, magnitude 6.2, was very near the dark limb of the Moon. At 1o:00pm, HR3376 was occulted by the moon.

The Promenade

The Promenade overlooking Victoria Park, on the south side of 100 Avenue at 118 Street

Thursday, April 23rd


Four members made it out to the Promenade around 9:00pm. They had about 25 to 30 visitors viewing through a 12.5″ and a 5″ scope before almost solid cloud and few passers-by encouraged them to call it a day at 10:30.

The sky was partly cloudy with clear patches–more clear to the north and cloud to south. But there were quite a few good views of the Moon and/or Jupiter.

The seeing wasn’t great, but good enough to could faintly discern the Great Red Spot on Jupiter with the Jovian Moons’ discs fairly obvious at 215x in the 12.5″ scope.

The telescopic view of Earth’s Moon always amazes the general public, with great interest in views of Jupiter and many wows.

Venus was hanging in the West with Aldebaran to its lower left.

It wasn’t too cool, but a breeze necessitated good bit of extra clothing. The clouds posed a bit of a problem, but most visitors hung around for a few minutes or continued their walk returning later to catch a view.

Astronomy Day – Apr 25, 2015

The RASC Observatory and the TELUS World of Science present International Astronomy Day.

FREE. Outside Events Are Weather Permitting (check @edmontonrasc on Twitter for outside updates).
Saturday Update: We are ON for both locations!


Telus World of Science Lobby – 11:30 am to 4:30pm


Visit us at our booth or join us for astronomy talks throughout the day.


Gazebo Park & The Promenade

Join our volunteers for Sidewalk Astronomy and enjoy the springtime night sky at the following locations:

  • Gazebo Park: in Old Strathcona, on 83 Avenue between 103 and 104 Streets
  • The Promenade: overlooking Victoria Park, on the south side of 100 Avenue at 118 Street

Astronomy Day – May 10, 2014

The RASC Observatory and the TELUS World of Science present International Astronomy Day.

May 10, 2014

FREE. Outside Events Are Weather Permitting.

1:00 PM to 4:00 PM
Solar Viewing at the RASC Observatory. Call 780-452-9100 ext 2249 to confirm.

1:00 PM to 4:00 PM
Learn about astronomy and the RASC at the Booth in the lobby of the TELUS World of Science. Edmonton RASC representatives will welcome your queries on astronomy or equipment. If you need help with a telescope, bring it along!

7:00 PM to 10:00 PM
Astronomical Viewing at the RASC Observatory. Call 780-452-9100 ext 2249 to confirm.

Astronomy Day – Apr 20, 2013

The RASC Observatory and the TELUS World of Science present International Astronomy Day.

Apr 20, 2013

FREE. Outside Events Are Weather Permitting.

1:00 PM to 4:00 PM
Solar Viewing at the RASC Observatory. Call 780-452-9100 ext 2249 to confirm.
Questionable due to weather.

1:00 PM to 4:00 PM20130420_astro_day
Learn about astronomy and the RASC at our booth in the lobby of the TELUS World of Science.
This was a go.

7:00 PM to 10:00 PM
Astronomical Viewing at the RASC Observatory. Call 780-452-9100 ext 2249 to confirm.
Cancelled due to winter.