How to Buy a Telescope 2022 Edition

Astro Café – How to Buy a Telescope

Thinking of buying a telescope

Thinking about buying a telescope, for yourself or as a gift for someone else?\
Want to avoid buying a “hobby killer” or “trash scope”?
Then this Astro Café is for you!

Come hear Luca Vanzella explain what to to look for and what to avoid.
And we will also look at telescopes for sale on the web.

Wednesday, Nov 16, 2022
7:30 PM to 9:30 PM

FREE event open to the public.

Online via Zoom.

RASC EC Astroimaging Community Cafe Zoom Meeting

AstroImaging Community Café

Wednesday, October 19, 2022
7:30 PM to 9:30 PM

Join the Zoom Meeting:

Note: This is a Members Only event.

Main topic for presentations and group Q/A and discussion:

Requirements for a remote imaging system for backyard and stand-alone field setups

Presenters: Dave Mussell, Denis Boucher and David Fielder (tentative)

Extended group discussions to follow after all speakers have finished their presentations.

If time allows, participants are encouraged to present astroimaging-related topics that may be of interest to other attendees.

AstroImaging Community Café is a potluck of shorter and longer presentations by astroimagers for astroimagers! Do you enjoy taking and/or viewing pictures of the sky? Are you looking for some pointers to up your skill set or turn that “nice” shot into “calendar image!”? Maybe in the last couple of months you have 5 images, or made 4 time-lapses that are too much for the AstroImaging Corner at our Regular Meetings. Whether you take 4 minutes or want to share a 20 minute backstory for a specially composed a shot, or demo a technique others can benefit from, bring it to our community!

To participate: email the AstroImaging Community Café coordinator.

AstroImaging Community Café: June 15, 2022

AstroImaging Community Café

Wednesday, June 15, 2022
7:30 PM to 9:30 PM

Join Zoom Meeting

This is a Members Only event.


Stefan Farkas: “Lucky” Solar Imaging:  Simple steps on imaging the Sun and processing solar images using AutoStakkert!, ImPPG and Photoshop.

Dave Mussell: Ultra-Efficient Image Sequences using NINA’s Advanced Sequencer (NINA=Nightime Imaging ‘N’ Astronomy):  Taking advantage of NINA’s Advanced Sequencer feature to build a target list to create an execution-ready sequence in advance of an imaging session

Extended group discussions to follow after all speakers have finished their presentations.

AstroImaging Community Café is a potluck of shorter and longer presentations by astroimagers for astroimagers! Do you enjoy taking and/or viewing pictures of the sky? Are you looking for some pointers to up your skill set or turn that “nice” shot into “calendar image!”? Maybe in the last couple of months you have 5 images, or made 4 time-lapses that are too much for the AstroImaging Corner at our Regular Meetings. Whether you take 4 minutes or want to share a 20 minute backstory for a specially composed a shot, or demo a technique others can benefit from, bring it to our community!

To participate: email the AstroImaging Community Café coordinator.

Replay of the Astro Café of Apr 20, 2022. The May 15 Total Lunar Eclipse

On May 15, 2022 a total lunar eclipse will occur and North America is favored for its viewing. Here in Edmonton, as the sun sets, the totally eclipsed Moon will rise in the southeast. As the sky darkens, the reddened Moon should become more and more visible. The total phase of the eclipse lasts for about an hour and a half as the Moon glides low above the southeast horizon. This will make for very scenic viewing and photographing but will require a low horizon.

During this Astro Café we previewed the lunar eclipse with some short presentations to help you enjoy watching the event on May 15, when the Earth casts its shadow onto the Moon.

Geoff Robertson: What is a lunar eclipse?
Luca Vanzella: Where to watch the lunar eclipse?
Alister Ling: How to photograph the lunar eclipse.

Click on the link below to watch this Astro Cafe on YouTube.

(2) Astro Café: The May 15, 2022 Total Lunar Eclipse – YouTube

Astro Café
Apr 20, 2022
The May 15 Total Lunar Eclipse

Astro Café: The May 15 Total Lunar Eclipse

On May 15, 2022 a total lunar eclipse will occur and North America is favored for its viewing. Here in Edmonton, as the sun sets, the totally eclipsed Moon will rise in the southeast. As the sky darkens, the reddened Moon should become more and more visible. The total phase of the eclipse lasts for about an hour and a half as the Moon glides low above the southeast horizon. This will make for very scenic viewing and photographing but will require a low horizon.

Join us at this Astro Café as we preview the lunar eclipse with some short presentations to help you enjoy watching the event on May 15, when the Earth casts its shadow onto the Moon.

Geoff Robertson: What is a lunar eclipse?
Luca Vanzella: Where to watch the lunar eclipse?
Alister Ling: How to photograph the lunar eclipse.

Join this Zoom Meeting on Apr 20, 2022 at 7:30 PM

Circumstances for Total Lunar Eclipse on May 15, 2022
21:22 Moonrise
21:28 Sunset
21:28 Totality Start, Moon SE (125), Alt 0.4°
22:11 Greatest Eclipse, Moon SE (133), Alt 4.7°
22:14 Civil Twilight End
22:54 Totality End, Moon SE (142), Alt 8.6°

Astro Café
Feb 16, 2022
RASC Visual Observing Certificates

Astro Café – RASC Visual Observing Certificates
Blake Nancarrow

Wednesday, Feb 16, 2022
7:30 PM to 9:00 PM

View the presentation here:

View the Slide Deck here:


This month’s Astro Café features a primer on the RASC visual observing certificate programs.

Blake Nancarrow, of the RASC national Observing Committee, will talk about the various visual observing certificate programs available from RASC which members may pursue. People submitting completed applications with logs and/or annotated sketches are recognized for their efforts and RASC issues paper certificates suitable for framing (and pins where applicable). For people new to visual observing, Blake will also talk about how to locate, examine, and report your observations with suggestions for note-taking and sketching as well as how to apply. Blake will showcase the observing certificate website where more information can be found.

Brief Bio
A child of the space-race, Blake Nancarrow developed an early interest in science and astronomy. He bought his first telescope in 1990 and in 2007 joined RASC. He was trained to operate the telescopes at the Carr Astronomical Observatory and David Dunlap Observatory. He is a frequent contributor to SkyNews magazine, writes the Binary Universe column for the Journal, and proofreads the Observer’s Handbook. Blake built the Stellarium Training Series. A long-time member of the national observing committee, Blake was asked to be the interim chair in the summer of 2020. In daylight, Blake works in the Information Technology industry.

Astro Café
Jan 19, 2022
How to Use A Telescope (via Zoom)

FREE event open to the public.

It’s a common complaint among first-time telescope owners: “I’ve got this new telescope and I can’t see a thing through it”. The aim of this Astro Café is to help you get the most out of your new telescope.

The popular How to Use a Telescope Astro Café is back, again via Zoom breakout rooms. Experts from the RASC will help you how to make the most out of your telescope. Discover how to properly set up your telescope, how to find objects in the sky, what accessories would be useful to you and how to take care of your telescope.

Astro Café – How to Use a Telescope

Wednesday, Jan 19, 2022
7:30 PM to 9:30 PM

FREE event open to the public.

Registrations are now closed.