Astroimaging Café – Feb 7, 2024

Wednesday, Feb 7, 2024
7:30 PM to 9:30 PM

Host: Gary Snow

RASC Edmonton Centre member Gary Snow will show us his astrophotography equipment and the challenges and successes of imaging with a Schmidt-Cassegrain Telescope. Open Q&A!

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 867 7294 1545
Passcode: 218596


Astroimaging Café is a potluck of shorter and longer presentations by astroimagers for astroimagers! Do you enjoy taking and/or viewing pictures of the sky? Are you looking for some pointers to up your skill set or turn that “nice” shot into “calendar image!”? Maybe in the last couple of months you have 5 images, or made 4 time-lapses that are too much for the AstroImaging Corner at our Regular Meetings. Whether you take 4 minutes or want to share a 20 minute backstory for a specially composed a shot, or demo a technique others can benefit from, bring it to our community!

To participate: email the Astroimaging Café coordinator.

Astro Café: How to Use a Telescope

It’s a common complaint among first-time telescope owners:
“I’ve got this new telescope and I can’t see a thing through it”.
The aim of this Astro Café is to help you get the most out of your new telescope.

The popular “How to Use a Telescope” Astro Café is back, and for the first time since 2020, in person.

Bring your Telescope along. 

Experts from the RASC will help you how to make the most out of your telescope. Discover how to properly set up your telescope, how to find objects in the sky, what accessories would be useful to you and how to take care of your telescope.

Wednesday, February 7, 2023
7:30 PM to 9:30 PM

Windsor Park Community Hall: 11840 – 87 Ave 

FREE event open to the public.

Astro Café
Apr 19, 2023
Introduction to Astrosketching

Introduction to Astrosketching

led by Sherry Campbell and Berta Beltran

FREE event open to the public.

Learn and practice the basics of sketching objects such as the moon or deep sky objects at the eyepiece.
No artistic talents or skills required! Sherry and Berta will show you how it’s done.

Your eyes are the “sensors”, your hand “captures the image”, and your brain does the “image processing”.

Wednesday, Apr 19, 2023
7:30 PM to 9:30 PM Continue Reading →

Astroimaging Café – Mar 15, 2023

Astroimaging Café

Wednesday, March 15, 2023
7:30 PM to 9:30 PM

Process the Dragons of Ara

Data from Paulyman Astro from YouTube in Australia

Google drive link to narrowband files:

Fits files also available upon request.

Tell us how you processed your image and what process software you used. A discussion and chance to ask questions will be available.

Even if you don’t want to process the image, come join to learn more about different ways to process a deep sky astrophoto.

Host: Richard Covey

Join Zoom Meeting. For link, email the:
Astroimaging Café coordinator

Astroimaging Café is a potluck of shorter and longer presentations by astroimagers for astroimagers! Do you enjoy taking and/or viewing pictures of the sky? Are you looking for some pointers to up your skill set or turn that “nice” shot into “calendar image!”? Maybe in the last couple of months you have 5 images, or made 4 time-lapses that are too much for the AstroImaging Corner at our Regular Meetings. Whether you take 4 minutes or want to share a 20 minute backstory for a specially composed a shot, or demo a technique others can benefit from, bring it to our community!

To participate: email the Astroimaging Café coordinator.

Astro Café
Feb 8, 2023
Astronomy Swap Meet

The Astronomy Swap Meet is Back!

Bring anything astronomical you’d like to sell or swap, or just come as you are. Star gazers, observers, skyscape shooters, deep sky imagers, solar afficionados – all astronomy enthusiasts are welcome. No matter what your skill level, there is always something you need (OK, maybe want) or something you don’t need anymore or perhaps you just want to see what’s what.

Wed, Feb 8, 2023
7:30 PM to 9:30 PM

Windsor Park Community League Hall*
11840 87 Ave

FREE event open to the public.

* Note: Outside shoes are not permitted inside the hall.


Astro Café
Jan 18, 2023
How to Use A Telescope (via Zoom)

It’s a common complaint among first-time telescope owners:
“I’ve got this new telescope and I can’t see a thing through it”.
The aim of this Astro Café is to help you get the most out of your new telescope.

The popular How to Use a Telescope Astro Café is back, again via Zoom breakout rooms. Experts from the RASC will help you how to make the most out of your telescope. Discover how to properly set up your telescope, how to find objects in the sky, what accessories would be useful to you and how to take care of your telescope.

Astro Café – How to Use a Telescope

Wednesday, Jan 18, 2023
7:30 PM to 9:30 PM

FREE event open to the public.

Online via Zoom. Register here: