Before you buy something new or succumb to ordering from EBay, Kijiji, Amazon/Ali-Express, you might be able to find it here for less. Members can post their gear here for personal sale, drop me a note.
This is a membership perk service, but non-members are welcome to purchase items $100 or more. Sales from donated/non-personal items go to Centre programming.
Next major swap meet at the September Northern Prairie Star Party.
Contact Alister at
Most transactions will take place at a monthly meeting.
Telrad + base (not used) : $50 (new $80)
Telrad base (not used) : $10 (new $18)
Bahtinov mask Kendrick 86-148mm: $15 (retail $30)
Canon BG-E21 battery grip for 6D (not a knock-off) $70
Manfrotto 116 Mk 3 video head $200
Sirui K-40 II ballhead $150.
Westcott 951 Light stand, telescopic arm $70
Kendrick solar filter 6006-C $50 fits 120-130mm outer hood
Hotech laser collimator SCA-2C $100
Televue Paracorr Tunable Top PTT-2002 $80
Manfrotto quick release hex plate: $15
5-inch rings: $30 [ $60 retail]
Refractor dew shield 101mm threads. $5
Big dovetail plate 4×18.5-inch (black) for C9.25: $80
4-3/4-in inner diam metal tube ring with screw: $5 [single, for balancing]
Canon EOS T-ring + 2-in barrel: $10 (retail $25)
T-adapter 42mm to 1.25-barrel (minus T-ring): $5
Canon EOS T-ring: $5 (retail $15)
Celestron Deluxe Tele-Extender #93643: $20 [$30 e-Bay]
Polar scope: $25 [ retail $70]
Metal finder bracket pair for 8×50: $10
Dual angle diagonal 45°/90° : $50
Desk light with clamp $5
Pentax K T-PK 42mm T-ring
Optex camera lens filter 1A 58mm:
unconventional SOLID metal 2-1.25 adapter
58mm skylight filter
Caps of various sizes, lenses, binocs, eyepieces
Pentax threaded lens backend cap (3 of them)
Outside end cap 5.7-in 145mm
Inside end cap 4.8-in 123mm
1.25-in rack and pinion focuser (old school but functioning well)
2-in helical focuser, short profile
14-in tube for 12.5-in Newt. 12V power junction box, extractor fan and wiring inside the tube installed. Inside painted black over black sand.
Private sales:

Super C8 fork (no tube), tripod, with power cords. $250 OBO:

12-in Meade LX200 gps astroimaging rig with off-axis guiders and focal reducers. Dennis Dembowski ( is open to reasonable offers. Note that the tube+fork mount is 75lb.

“Blue Dob” 10-inch $300

Coulter 10-in Dob $200