Astronomy Day, Saturday April 29, 2017

Edmonton RASC presents International Astronomy Day

*Outside events are weather permitting

Check @EdmontonRASC for updates on outdoor events

Free Activities at the RASC Observatory at TELUS World of Science

1pm – 4pm: Observe the Sun*

1pm – 4pm: Gazebo next to the Observatory Telescope clinic: Bring your telescope and get helpful advice from our expert members.

7pm – 11pm: Observe the stars, planets, and the Moon*

Activities inside TELUS World of Science

11:30-4:30pm: Lobby – Information booth and Q&A with RASC members

12:30-3pm: Learning Centre – Astronomy Talks

12:30 pm  How Astronomers determine distances to distant objects – by John Chenier
1:30 pm  Not Your Mainstream Apollo Program Presentation – by Geoff Robertson
2:30 pm  The Scale of the Universe – by Sharon Morsink

RASC presents Sidewalk Astronomy

9pm – 11pm: View the stars at various public locations in the Edmonton area.*

  • Gazebo Park in Old Strathcona on 83rd Ave between 103 & 104 St
  • Promenade overlooking Victoria Park on 100 Ave at 118 St
  • West end of St. Albert Place in St. Albert