Beaver Hills Dark Sky Preserve
9th Annual Star Party
The Brighter Side of Night
Astotin Lake, Elk Island National Park
Sunday, Aug 31, 2014
On Sunday, August 31, Elk Island Park hosted the Beaver Hills Dark Sky Preserve 9th annual event, celebrating the wonders of the night sky. The event featured special astronomy presentations, public solar observing, and public stargazing with Royal Astronomical Society of Canada volunteers.
The Main Stage
15:00 – 18:00 The Misery Mountain Boys
Astronomy Field
15:00 Special Guest Presentation
Solar Astronomy with Stephen Ramsden
15:00 – 20:00 Solar Astronomy
21:30 – 23:00 Star Gazing
Programs and Activities
14:00 – 18:00 The Great Northern Discovery Dome
14:00 – 16:00 Extra Planetary Fun!
14:00 – 16:00 Face Painting and Yard Games
15:30 – 18:00 Indigenous Crafts and Knowledge Display
16:00 – 16:30 Solar System Race
20:00 – 22:30 Red Light Flashlight Making
Astotin Theatre Guest Speakers
19:00 Beaver Hills Preserve Partner Presentations
20:00 Key Note Speaker: Stephen Ramsden
What’s hot on the sun this summer? Everything!
21:00 Exo-Planets with Dr. Stefan Cartledge
Keynote Speakers
Stephen Ramsden founded in 2008 and continues to direct a completely grassroots effort – The Charlie Bates Solar Astronomy Project – which, without government, corporate or university support, has become the highest volume hands-on astronomy nonprofit in the world operating in 17 countries and headquartered in Atlanta, GA.
Stephen and his members personally share the Sun, at the eyepiece, with over 250,000 people yearly through state of the art narrowband solar viewing equipment. Come and look at the Sun with Stephen and listen to his lecture on current solar activity and the importance of science in the community.
Discover new worlds and explore the universe with Dr. Stefan Cartledge PHD. Stefan Cartledge received his PHD in Astrophysics from the Northwestern University. Dr. Cartledge has taught at MacEwan University for the last 5 years.